Image of host Baratunde Thurston of Lenovo Late Night I.T. series.
Client Logo - Lenovo

Lenovo Late Night I.T.


What We Did
Website organization and content
Email marketing
Paid media
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video views


social engagements

MUSE Awards, Branded Content B2B

A late night take on IT content marketing.

Lenovo serves more than 180 markets with the world’s widest portfolio of technology products including personal computers and tablets, monitors, accessories, augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), and smart infrastructure data center solutions.

They’ve built their success by consistently demonstrating that they understand how to meet the evolving challenges faced by IT decision-makers.

To reach the latest generation of IT decision-makers, we helped Lenovo reboot a late-night style show with more informative, more entertaining content.

The Challenge

Tech industry thought leadership content often lacks originality — and makes little impact. To stand out in this “sea of sameness,” Lenovo created Lenovo Late Night I.T., a late-night style show, to engage IT users and decision-makers, elevate the parent brand, drive the One Lenovo story and be a DE&I change agent.

The show’s first season was successful, gaining social traction and winning awards, but Lenovo wanted the second season to turn the engagement up to 11.

For season 2, Lenovo teamed with StudioNorth to generate higher-quality, scroll-stopping content that would attract a bigger audience of enterprise IT customers and CIOs and encourage more sharing on social networks.

The Solve

80% of Americans now consume news on digital devices and through non-traditional platforms such as YouTube—and viewers of comedy news programs are more likely to share and recall news from these sources. We resolved to raise the comedy quotient by introducing more unpredictability to each episode and creating unfiltered, disruptive, thought leadership content — elements that make the best late-night shows so successful.

Season 2 of Lenovo Late Night I.T. was hosted by Emmy-nominated futurist Baratunde Thurston. It included episodes with titles like Metaverse: Explain it like we’re 5th graders and Mental Health: Generation Burnt-the-f-out that attracted viewers curious about the show’s tell-it-like-it-is approach.

Episodes were unfiltered, covering the good, the bad, the Zoom fatigue — all of the topics of today and predictions for tomorrow. To ensure an unbiased perspective and diversity in content, the show featured diverse guests from a wide range of industries, each challenging the status quo in unique ways. Viewers tuned into Lenovo Late Night I.T. to get a fresh take on tech and to join a conversation in a way that they’d never experienced.

Lenovo Late Night I.T. humanized an industry that’s often regarded as being robotic with a unique content marketing campaign unlike anything in the market — and the viewer response was incredible.

The Result

In season 2 of Lenovo Late Night I.T., episodes received:

  • 140 million impressions
  • 83.5+ million video views
  • 34,000+ social engagements
  • 77% unaided brand recall

Brand mentions on social media rose 265% from season 1, with positivity scores 23% higher.

To cap that success, Bloomberg TV picked up the show for an additional two months of airtime, with their head of production saying that “[It was] the highest quality show I’ve seen in a long time.”

Season 2 of Lenovo Late Night I.T. became a cult favorite among customers and garnered praise across the press, making Lenovo’s team not only thought leaders, but pop culture icons in the tech world.

Lenovo Late Night I.T. series: Brand Style Guide
Lenovo Late Night I.T. sticker.
Red refrigerator sticker.
Owl sticker.
Floppy disk plant folder sticker.
Robot sticker.
Robot arm sticker.
Lenovo Late Night I.T. series: Set Design
Production crew on set.
Crew watching shoot behind the scenes.
Collage of guest headshots and set still shots.
Collage 1 of Lenovo Late Night I.T. episode ads.
Collage 2 of Lenovo Late Night I.T. episode ads.
Lenovo Late Night I.T. social ad example 1.
Lenovo Late Night I.T. promo email example.
Lenovo Late Night I.T. social ad example 2.
Lenovo Late Night I.T. episode email example.
Lenovo Late Night I.T. Season 2 landing page.

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